Έναν full length δίσκο κι ένα ep κυκλοφορούν εναλλάξ οι Savage Master. Οπότε, μετά το ep "Creature of the Flames" του 2017, σειρά πήρε η κυκλοφορία "ολοκληρωμένου" album. Τιτλοφορείται "Myth, Magic And Steel" και "βγήκε" στα τέλη Οκτωβρίου...
Band: Savage Master
Country of origin: United States
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Formed in: 2013
Genre: Heavy Metal
Lyrical themes: Lust, Death, Evil
Years active: 2013-present
Album: "Myth, Magic and Steel"
Type: Full length
Release date: October 25th, 2019
Label: Shadow Kingdom Records
Format: CD, 12" vinyl, Cassette, Digital
Track listing:
1. Myth, Magic and Steel
2. The Devil's Ecstasy
3. The Owl
4. Flyer in the Night
5. Crystal Gazer
6. Lady of Steel
7. High Priestess
8. Far Beyond the Grave
9. Warrior vs Dragon
Band members:
Stacey Savage - Vocals
Adam Neal - Guitar
Larry Myers - Guitar
John Littlejohn - Drums